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Pakistan must hand over wanted criminals Dawood Ibrahim



Pakistan must hand over wanted criminals Dawood Ibrahim

India will show patience. The US also appreciates India for sharing its position in real time.We are cautiously optimistic that Azhar will be listed," sources mentioned. (China&China eyeliner cases wholesale39;s) hold is not a block. China has adequate information that there are groups in Pakistan working against China."Terrorism is non-negotiable for India. India is optimistic," sources said on Saturday. There are no takers in the US for Pakistan's narrative that India is posing a threat. There is no bigger statement, half of UNSC co-sponsors the proposal. Very specific details were shared (with them) and if Pakistan thinks India can't verify, it can get international verification done," sources stated. They know it operates from Pakistan," said the sources adding, "There are certain issues China has to resolve with Pakistan. Dawood Ibrahim is in India's wanted list and in the international terror list. "New Delhi knows there are a number of Indians in Pakistan.Meanwhile, undeterred by the recent setback at the UN Security Council (UNSC), India will continue pushing for the listing of Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) chief Masood Azhar as an international terrorist by the world body.."India is disappointed with China.Speaking on the United States' support for India, the sources said: "The USA is supportive of India."Changing boards, putting people under detention is all cosmetic," sources further said. We have the strong support of 14 members (out of 15 at the UNSC). Pakistan's action is cosmetic," sources added. Islamabad should hand over these Indians who are in our wanted list and in the international terror list such as Dawood Ibrahim and Sayeed Salahudeen."China also knows that terrorism is a challenge.The USA, UK and France moved a proposal in the UNSC to list UN-proscribed group JeM's chief as a global terrorist following the JeM-perpetrated Pulwama terror attack which claimed the lives of over 40 CRPF personnel."..Meanwhile, India will continue pushing for the listing of Masood Azhar as global terrorist by the world body. China, for the fourth time, used a technical hold on the proposal on March 13, a move which has been widely slammed. India is still working with members of the sanction committee. India also raised concerns with the United States on the arms used of which the # USA took note. New Delhi: Pakistan must hand over wanted criminals Dawood Ibrahim and Sayeed Salahudeen to India, sources said adding that verifiable evidence has been shared with Islamabad. They have assured that Pakistan will take action."Pakistan is spending diplomatic capital in defending the indefensible.""India will show patience," the sources reinforced.




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